Why remain diabetic?
Did you know that the disease diabetes may influence your mood? Diabetes is a serious illness. Even though the true relationship between diabetes and depression is not clear, many persons suffering from diabetes are also known to be depressed.
New research today is suggesting that besides depression there are other ways that diabetes can affect ones mental state. Naturally being diabetic makes you feel as though you are losing control and this feeling is worsened when there is consistent increase or fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Anxiety, frustration, sadness, and despair are only a few of the emotions that diabetics are plagued with daily. The fear of a coma, amputation of a limb or death is among the other grave concerns of diabetics.
There are over 340 million people worldwide suffering and may eventually die as a result of diabetes. Sadly, Jamaica a land rich with a “knowledge” of the traditional use of herbal medicine also has more than 10 thousand children under the age of 15 already victims of this disease. They are compelled to make frequent trips to the bathroom, make frequent visits to the doctor and daily ingest medication that will cause side effects.
Indeed, diabetes is a serious disease affecting the mind body and soul. In a minute ones sugar level can fluctuate causing immediate changes in personality from being irritable and angry to passive and calm with a noticeable slow of speech. Then it creates doubts in the mind of individuals why such a wise and loving God could allow such diseases without cures. While the mind and soul is being tormented the physical body is changing under its influence. Diabetes also changes our body odor and makes the breath small like “nail polish” while it disfigures or changes the shape of your face causing the right side of the face gets longer, the eye brow droops, the skin area of the eyes fold downwards and the face becomes compressed towards the center.
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Undoubtedly, diabetes will affect our social life. For many it has robbed them of libido. I hope when we truly look at the physical and mental ways in which diabetes affect our families, friends and love one. It will encourage us to emphasize empathy towards them and remind them that herbs still cure diseases.

Useful Tips to remain Diabetic Free
* Prepare your own meals
* Avoid sweetened foods and pastry
* Avoid alcoholic beverages
* Eat a lot more green leafy vegetables
* Decrease your intake of animal products, eggs and cheese
‘Herbal medicine is a grand multitudinous, infinitely fascinating, endlessly resourceful medicine. Says the author of Natures Cures. Today people all over the world are turning back to the healing wonders of herbs. We can be thankful that Jamaica still has its rich culture of herbal medicine.
Over the last 20 years Healthy Living Herbal Clinic has successfully treated Diabetes with herbal medicine. When the correct herbal treatment is applied the pancreas will produce insulin again. Malfunctioning pancreas has been restored to life and longevity within 3 months.
It does not matter who you are, diabetes is a dangerous and complicated illness. It will rob you of the joy of living and of your cash. The ancient way of treating diabetes with herbal medicine is still the best way. Remember that you might be diabetic now but you do not always have to be diabetic. Always remember that healthy living is a life style
* Decrease your intake of animal products, eggs and cheese